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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 29th June

Happy Monday Year 4 I hope you all had a good weekend!

I can't believe this is week 13 of home learning! Keep up the great work and trying your best just like you would in school.

Remember to keep blogging me every day! 

Keep reading and logging into TT Rockstars daily also!

Don't forget to join in with the Virtual Sports Day events for your PE, send videos and pictures of your sport event scores to me via email and I will upload them to the school website for everyone to see, lets see who can win!

Have fun and keep active! Here are your tasks and assembly for today:



Monday is the feast day of St Peter and St Paul. The key aspects being how instrumental they were in sharing the good news of Jesus and how their example can inspire us to live a life of faith.

I’ve attached the PowerPoint for you to follow below, Remember this is a feast day, create and say a prayer which reminds us that we are all part of God’s family after it following the PowerPoint.


Task 1: Maths

LO: Fractions greater than 1

To access today’s Maths click on the links below:

One is the video lesson

One is the work sheets to complete

One is the answers
Watch the video lesson, then click on the activity PDF. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!


Task 2: English

LO: Spelling and Punctuation

Log onto Education City: click on class work then on English Task: Monday 29th June and complete all the activities and only use the answer sheets to check your answers! It looks like this:


Task 3: PE

LO: To use movement skills to compete in Virtual Sport Day Events

Click on the link below and read the instructions for this week carefully.

Scroll down to the table and practice the events at home. Video and send to me via email any scores you get and I will blog winners this week. I will also be adding a section to the website and uploading the whole school videos. Click on the PDF documents and watch the video to help you learn how to complete each event. They look like this:


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