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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


December 2016

New Years Eve in Adelaide, Australia.

This Angel is at The Gabba T20 Brisbane Heat v Hobart Hurricanes at Woolloongabba, Queensland, Australia.

Actor and comic Richard Ayoade with one of our Angels. It's amazing who you bump into in Hyde Park at the Winter Wonderland.

Lulworth Cove, Dorset

Santa was so impressed with Year 2 in the Christmas Production that he brought them some new games for wet play times. he left them under the tree in the hall and our School Councillors and VIP opened them in class. We had a great time learning how to play them...but more importantly, how to look after them! Some Angels decided to join in too.

Our class Elf went home with Mrs Carlile to see her Christmas decorations and Angels.

An Angel meeting Father Christmas at Tesco in Padiham.

A lucky Angel in Lapland.

The whole school took part in a Mannequin Challenge during our Christmas Lunch. Part 1.

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Part 2 of the Mannequin Challenge.

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The angel made a wish whilst stirring the Christmas pudding. It had a go at bell ringing and had a warm by the oven fire at Gawthorpe Hall. The amazing staff at Gawthorpe Hall allowed an Angel to be placed on their tree and have promised it will remain on their tree every year!

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