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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 27th April

Good Morning Year 1!


Oh how I am missing you! 


I am so glad that we are back in touch, even if it is only virtually. I hope you have all had a fabulous Easter and have relaxed and done as you pleased with your families.


Here we are looking at our tasks for today again. I hope you are all readylaugh


First I would like you all to get moving with Joe as usual and when you have done this I am sure that you will be raring to go with your learning for today.


I have some very practical maths for you to do to start with. It's all about shapes. Tomorrow's work follows on from this. 


Getting to Know Shapes


This activity will help your child learn more about circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.


 Important words and phrases:

  square  rectangle  triangle  circle  big  small


You will need:

  old magazines, newspapers or catalogues  paper  scissors  glue


 What to do:

 Look through some old magazines or newspapers with your child.

 Ask them to look for examples of circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. These might appear in the design of the pages (for example, a section of text inside a rectangular box) or as objects or parts of objects in pictures.

  Encourage your child to explain how they know which shape is which. Guide them to talk about the number of sides each shape has.

  Work with your child to choose and cut out some of these shapes. Make sure you have a variety of examples of each shape, and a variety of sizes. Ask your child to group the shapes by type.

   Encourage your child to use the cut-out shapes to make a collage picture.

  As they work, talk to them about what they are doing. Encourage them to use the names of the shapes and to describe them. For example, you could ask: “Do you need any more shapes?”  Ask them to answer as precisely as they can, for example they might talk about “a big circle,” or “3 small triangles.”

 Ask your child to describe their collage to someone else.


Talk about:

  Challenge your child to spot shapes in things around you in the home, in the garden or when you are out for your exercise.

For example, you might ask: “Look at that car. What shapes can you see?” 

 “Can you see any circles? Where?”


Look out for:

  Ensure that your child can identify the difference between a square and a rectangle. If they are not confident with the difference, you could explain that a square has 4 sides that are equal, and a rectangle has 4 sides that are not equal.

  Encourage your child to rotate or turn the shapes, and remind them that the properties of the shape remain the same, for example a square has 4 equal sides and 4 corners, a rectangle has 2 long and 2 short sides and 4 corners, a triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners.



Please post a photo of your completed picture using all the shapes you have found and used on the blog or email it to me at


It would also be great if you could , in the yellow exercise book please draw an example of the shapes you have used with an explanation of why they are that shape, eg I have used triangles, they have 3 straight sides and 3 corners.

Thank you


After this I would like you to access Education City and practise your Phonics and word endings.

There is an activity sheet to complete.

If you don't have a printer then just write out the answers in your orange exercise book. Don't forget the Date at the top. 

The task is called CVCC words and word endings



Next it's Geography. Now we should have been investigating the school and its grounds so I have changed this a little, of course!

We are going to have a close look at our houses and their grounds. today I want you to imagine that you are a bird and you are hovering over the top of your house.

Look down and what do you see?

You will only see the roof and the very tops of everything.

I would like you to draw this and label it carefully.

You can do this in your Big Yellow plain paper books.

Don't forget the date and the title can be My House Plan.

I've drawn mine as an example. You can see mine is a Terraced house and there are houses either side of it. I have drawn and labelled it. Please try to do the same with your house.


This should keep you busy today.

Please try to send me photos either by email or the school blog so that I can see what you are doing each day.

Thank you.

If you have emailed me anything since the last day of term I haven't been receiving any emails unfortunately. I finally sorted it out yesterday afternoon. If you sent anything, please re send it. Thank you.

I look forward to seeing you all logging into Education City and photos of all your work today.

I will put the house plans on the website so we can all see.

Thank you all

Mrs Clough

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