- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Hello Year 1
Here is where you will find the work that has been prepared for you each day.
There will be 3 pieces of work for you to do each day.
Miss Kidd will put science work on each Tuesday.
I will try to put work on here that you can complete with your grown up.
It may be on Education City, or on one of the worksheets you have, or in one of the exercise books you have, or it may be to make or create something.
All passwords and usernames are in reading diaries.
Please try your best as we always say in class.
Please try to say your prayers daily too. I will put some of the lovely ones we have written on here so that you can share them with your family.
If you want to show me what you are doing then
why not take a photo and send it to the school Blog!
I look forward to seeing you in action
Love from Mrs Clough
Home Learning Summer Term 1
Welcome to Year1
Mrs Clough and Mrs Glynn work in Year 1 all week and will be there at the start and end of each day. Miss Kidd also teaches science on Tuesday mornings and Mr Kelly and Mr Taylor teach PE on Monday and Thursday.
Your children will need their Reading Book and Diary every day in their Blue Folder.
We will also send home any letters and information which will be in the folder too. Don't forget to check every day please. We don't want you to miss out on anything!
Don't forget that a PE bag must be in school all the time. We will send this home Half Termly for washing and size checking.
Our Lenten Blog
Over the next few weeks Year 1 will be writing a diary of their Lenten Journey this year. Please check this page to see what they have been doing.
We have all made Lenten Promises to make sure that we think even more carefully about what Jesus would like us to do and what he said.
Last week on Ash Wednesday we all went to Mass and received ashes from Father.
This Friday we will celebrate a Liturgy with Year 2 and we hope lots of our family join us.