- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
We're a class of authors and artists, guitarists and bakers,
Chest-passers, goal shooters, poets and friend-makers...
Our teaching team:
Mrs Hewitt (class teacher)
Miss McBreen, Mrs Townley and Mr Kelly (support teachers)
Keep checking up on this page for our latest news, including photos of our activities and achievements.
Log in and you will be able to add comments to our blog. Your comment will not appear immediately, it will need to be approved first so make sure your comment is your best written work with no text-talk!
Our current blog is linked to 'Read For My School'
Each week, a book review of a book you have read and entered in the competition can be added and a winning book review will be announced each Wednesday. Winners will receive a WHSmith voucher.
Log in and get reviewing!
Meet our Grammar Police
Here is the Chief Superintendent with her deputies. Use was and were very carefully and whatever you do, do not say brung!