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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Hello Year One, I cannot believe that we are now in February, WOW! Yesterday you all worked super hard and I was very jealous of everyone’s hot drinks especially the hot chocolates! You lucky, lucky children. laugh


Well Year One I thought I had woken up in the Antarctic this morning with all of the snow!!! Please remember to still access your home learning for today.

I do have though an EXTRA CHALLENEGE for you all. If you get chance to go outside in the snow today. 

Can you become a Polar Explorer?

Remember to stay safe and be careful 

Please send any snow picture to laugh


Today there are lots of different task to complete some of these need your thinking skills, fantastic reading, super listening and speedy bodies. Have a look below and you will find your lessons for today. Please don’t forget this week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the focus is

Express Yourself! smiley

(click on the link to take you to our school page)

Have a fantastic day, work hard!

Miss Armstrongheart

Ready, Steady, Let's Get Moving!



Today in phonics we are going to get a little active. For today’s lesson you will need pieces of paper or if you have post it notes you may want to use these. I have also attached a document which has all of the words you will need to practice.

Please feel free to print these off, however there is no pressure for this to be done.  

I have attached a list of high frequency words that you need to practice reading. Select at least between 10-20 words. Please see below for further instructions. 


Today we are going to continue with ‘Lost and Found’ I would like you to listen to the story by clicking on the link below. Once you have listened to the story I have a task for you to complete. We are going to be focusing on picture clues to help us deepen our understanding of the story.


 The Math’s song from yesterday proved to be a very good hit both at home and school.

So here we have Herman the Worm again.

Herman the Worm ♫

For your Math’s lesson today, you are going to need a few resources.

You will need:

  • a few pieces of paper these can be coloured or plain paper.
  • Scissors (ask a grown up for help if needed)
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Today’s worksheet.

Please click on the slides below to see your task for today.

Religious Education

Today’s lesson we are going to be learning a little bit about a Priest. We are going to focus on the different colours that a Priest might wear. Click on the link below for today’s lesson.

 I apologise, there was a technical problem please see below the colours of the vestments. 
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