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Hello Year 5. Hope you’re well and ready for Thursday! Some people are really impressing me with their writing. I especially like the description Charlie, Dylan, Annalise and Giuseppe have been using. Keep it up and keep sending your work! Please also remember to read and play on TTRS.
Another busy day today…
LO – To build suspense and tension in writing
Today you are going to finish off your writing and write the part of the clip where the ship is approaching. The lighthouse keeper has to act quickly and a lot of tension is built up as we don’t know whether he will be able to get the light back on! Watch the clip again and familiarise yourself with the build-up of the ship approaching and the ending. Read the example below and see if you can pick out how suspense and tension has been built up. Weren’t the residents of the village kind to help out when the man was in need? I have ended my writing with a kindness quote. See if you can do the same!
I’m really looking forward to reading the final part of your writing today so please make sure you email it to me or post a picture on the blog.
LO – To solve problems involving number
Something a little different today Year 5. We are going to have some fun with numbers. Can you remember the countdown game we play in class where you are given a target number and have to make that number using other numbers? That’s what I want you to do today. Open up the worksheet below and use the numbers and + - x or ÷ to make the target number. You can use a number more than once, or not at all.
Post your answers on the blog or email them to me.
LO – To compare modern and Victorian schooling
Another of my favourite lessons! Life at school in the Victorian times was extremely different! The classrooms were different, the teachers were different and the lessons were different. It was very strict and there were many punishments. Watch the two video clips below and read the information on the slides to find out more. You might also want to carry out some further research.
You have a choice of what you can do for this lesson. Either:
Please email these to me or take a picture and post on the blog.