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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 24th February 2021

Hello everyone,

We have reached the middle of the week and you are all working super hard with all of your home learning. I have been very impressed with the creation of your Bog characters these are amazing.

Keep practicing your spellings for Friday. Enjoy your Wednesday lessons, today we have Phonics, English, Maths and PSHE. Try your best in all of the activities, have a lovely day and I will speak to you in the morning for our daily catch up.

Miss Armstrong smiley

Time to wake out bodies up! 

Jack Hartmann Says


We have found out this week that there are different ways of spelling ai.

Listen to the phonics song first then Take a look at the worksheet below you will need different colours for the key. Try to read each work independently, also remember to keep practicing your spellings for Friday.

Long Vowel Letter ai/a-e/ay


LO: To write a description of your own Bog Baby, using adjectives. 

Looking at your own Bog Baby, can you write an information report. What does your Bog Baby look like? What does he enjoy eating and drinking? Where does your Bog live?

Can you complete the worksheet below, keep looking at the picture of your own Bog and remind yourself of what he looks like.


Today I would like you to become pirates! The pirates have been very messy and lost all of their belongings, can you follow the directions to find them? 

Please remember to always begin at the START, take look at the instructions. Follow each arrow one step at a time and move across the board.

Here We Go | Directions Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann Positional Words


Your lesson today is focusing on being honest, how important it is not to tell lies and always tell the truth. I have attached the link for Epic Reading, I have assigned a story about Being Honest. Please read this story as this will help you with the task.

Next look at the attachment below that has information all about being honest. It also includes the story of ‘The boy who cried wolf’.

Once you have done this, can you create a poster to explain why it is important to be honest. Can you think of ideas why it is important? You can complete this in your workbooks or on a piece of paper
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