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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 13th May

Good Morning Year 6!

It's Wednesday and we are half-way through the week! Yesterday's work was fabulous! There was lots of impressive digital artwork, angles work and a difficult English comprehension which was well answered. So, keep up the good work everybody! Here's today's tasks...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 13-5-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Fun Fitness Challenge week

What is your Fun Fitness Challenge for today? I have found a task for you today called: 'Toy Towel Relay.' Looks like you might need some toys and a towel! Click on the link below for today's Fun Fitness Challenge. Enjoy!

PE At Home: "Toy Towel Relay" Challenge

If you think using a bath towel like a magic carpet sounds like fun, then your going to love this challenge. This activity will work on any wood or tile floo...


L.O Identifying and classifying angles.

Today your activity is on Education City. Log in and go to classwork. It starts with a quick revision, then there are 3 activities.

1. Angle Finder: Classifying angles

2. Atlantic Pirates: Angles on a straight line. Remember they must total 180°

3. Driving Range: Using a protractor to measure angles. Click on the protractor to pick it up and put the circle, in the middle of the protractor, on the cross. Then read the size of the angle. The example shows an obtuse angle between the flag pole and the ball of 110° ACTIVITY 2 & 3 ARE NOT TABLET FRIENDLY SO YOU WILL NEED TO DO THEM ON A LAPTOP OR COMPUTER.


ANSWERS to yesterday's comprehension are in the English folder on the Year 6 website page.

LO: To recognise different sentence types

Click on the link below to listen to this song about different sentence types. Get your air guitar ready (Harris and Chelsea, get your real guitars - I would like to see evidence of this) because there is a guitar solo to play along to!

After your rock-out, get your exercise books or a word document ready.

Write today’s date and LO.

Copy out the definitions of: statement, command, question and exclamation (you will find them about 2 minutes into the song).

Then, choose any example of each sentence type from the song and write those four sentences down with the correct punctuation mark in your book or on the word document. Copy your work to today's blog or email it to me.

The Statement, Command, Question, Exclamation Sentences Song

Here is Anchor Creative Education's song about the four, key sentence types in the current curriculum. Statement, command, question and exclamation sentences...

LO: To write a definition

Click on the link below and watch the BBC clip below about what an invention is. After you have watched it, write today’s date and LO in your exercise book or on a word document. Then, write your own definition of what an invention is giving examples from the clip. This should be one paragraph long. Copy your work to today's blog or email it to me.


L.O To learn about Lourdes, a place of Christian pilgrimage and miracles. 

May is the month of Mary so today's RE lesson is all about Mary. Today I want you to learn about a place called Lourdes. In 1858, in a vision from heaven, Mary appeared to a young girl 18 times. Only the young girl saw the vision and heard her voice.

Every year over 6 million people visit the place where Mary appeared; many people claim to have been cured of illnesses if they go and pray and drink the Holy Water. When people visit a Holy Place it is called a pilgrimage. 

Go the the RE folder and read the information then answer the 11 questions. 

Optional Task: Draw/paint a picture of Mary in the grotto. 

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