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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 6th January

Hello Year 4 and welcome to ANOTHER first day of home learning! You have done so well in school and made me extremely proud so please keep up with this amazing attitude at home and work hard! Keep going and try your best just like you would in school.

Remember you must blog me every day now! Click on the 2016 blog post to see all year 4 blogs and Mr Steele blog post to see mine. If you have trouble accessing and completing any work get an adult to email me so I can help. Parents/careers can email me on:  

Keep reading and logging into TT Rockstars daily also!

Have fun and keep active! Here are your tasks for today:


Task 1: PE At Home: "Bop it" Challenge

Here is a PE At-home activity that you can play with little to no equipment. This game called "Bop it" improves your hand-eye coordination. Follow the instructions on the video. Good luck and tell me how you get on!


Task 2: English

LO: To read the first chapter of a text

First copy the questions and answers into your exercise books from the picture below. Using only the front cover of Matilda on the picture to answer.

Then click on the link below the picture and read the first chapter (Reader of books) of Matilda. Your tasks in English week will be focused on this text.


Task 3: Maths

LO: Column Addition

Complete the column addition challenge below. Then create 5 of your own column addition problems like this one to challenge someone at home. Enjoy and don't forget to blog!


Task 4: History

LO: To investigate Ancient Egypt

Complete the activities below on the PDF document, write any answers into your exercise books of paper. 

Now I would like to research all things Ancient Egypt. Find out as much as you can about this fascinating Ancient Civilization. We learnt about this yesterday so blog me your top 5 most interesting facts you find out today! Who can remember the dates this civilization stared and ended? Enjoy! 
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