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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 15th June

Good Morning Year 3! Happy Monday!

It was nice to have some warm weather at the weekend wasn't it! Did you see the thunder and lightening on Saturday? I hope you had a lovely weekend.


I can't wait to see all your wonderful work this week. Remember my email address is: so send me your work or post it on the blog! yes


This week's spellings are on the blog, so you can get those and get practising!!


Remember to also:


-Play on TTRS for 20 mins



Have a lovely day... Here are today's tasks!

Love Miss Townson x


LO: To recap Place Value.

Find the Inspire Assessment book in your Home Learning Pack.

Turn to page 19 and complete Section B (pages 19-22)


When you have finished, use the answers at the back to mark your work and let me know how you got on by posting on the blog! Don’t cheat please! I trust you all!



LO: To use synonyms.

Some of our English this week is going to be linked to a text called ‘Journey to the jungle’ This is all about a journey through the rainforest, linking to our Geography! Click on the link below that will take you to an audio of the story being read out. I have also attached the story below for you to read whilst it is being read out.

Ignore the bit at the beginning of the sound clip where it says download the booklet, you don’t need to do that.

Once you have listened to the story, I would like you to look at the resource below titled ‘what do the words mean’

You need to look at the definitions of some of the words that are used in the text. Then underneath, there is a grid where I would like you to draw 4 pictures to describe what those words mean. You can draw this grid into your workbooks by splitting your page into 4 sections. Once you have done your drawings, look at the next resource below called ‘Synonyms’ here you need to match the synonyms next to the correct words. Synonyms are words that mean THE SAME. For example: synonyms for nice are… pleasant, delightful, enjoyable.

Once you have used the words on the sheet, you can come up with some more synonyms for those words.

Journey to the Jungle

English sheets


Start today’s RE lesson by watching this short clip from Pinocchio I have attached below.



‘Always let your conscious be your guide’ is the name of the song from Pinocchio. Our conscious is what helps us to know what a good and bad choice is. Christians try to live as Jesus lived.  Explain that choosing wisely is important.  There are some things that will help in making a good choice:


  • to pray and ask for help.

  • to get advice from someone you trust and know makes good choices.

  • to think about the possible consequences of the choices. 

  • will it have a good effect on yourself and on others?


Many Christians pray every day for the help they need to make good choices.  Every day, usually before going to sleep, many Christians ‘examine their life’ (‘conscience’).  This means that they think about what has happened during the day and how they have tried to be the kind of person that God who loves them, wants them to be.  They think about what they have done during the day – the good choices they have made for which they say thank you, and the bad choices for which they are sorry.  The wrong choices which are done on purpose are sins – that is something that spoils or breaks friendship with God and with other people.  Sin is anything that breaks God’s law of love.  It is always something that has been done on purpose, not accidentally, or it is something we should do and purposely do not do it.  This is the process of examining your life, conscience.
For today’s task you are going to read this prayer which asks for help and guidance: I want you to act it out and pray it with actions. Look at each line, give examples of how this prayer helps to examine life (conscience). What actions could you use for each line? I would like you to video your performance of reading this prayer with your actions and email it to me! Remember my email address is:


Holy Spirit, you are with us when we choose.

For our good choices and the joy of making them, we thank you.

For the joy they bring us and others, we thank you.
For our wrong choices, we are sorry.

For the hurt we have done to others, we are sorry. Help us to take time to think.

We ask you to help and guide us, Amen

Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket - Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide!

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