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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



8th May 2014

Today we were all brave and held a tadpole in our hands.  Even Mrs Carlile was inspired by Melissa, Kayleigh and Grace as they were so brave.  So Mrs Carlile held one as well!  A big thank you to Mrs McKeating for 'loaning' the tadpoles to us and for coming into our science lesson to show us how to catch them.  Also, thank you to Mr McKeating for sending us a tadpole haven full of rocks and logs ready for the next stage of the tadpoles' development.  

April 2014


In science we are looking at variation and how animals grow and adapt to their environment and habitat.  Mrs McKeating has loaned Year 2 some tadpoles so that we can observe the different stages of their growth.  However, once they have grown a bit, we need to return them to her pond safely.

Tadpoles - 30th April 2014

Still image for this video

Tadpoles - 30th April 2014

Still image for this video

February 2014


We have been learning about the 3 states of water: liquid, solid and gas.  We did an experiment in class and observed ice in different conditions around the classroom.  We had to keep Stanley away from the ice covered in salt!  Mrs Carlile was very impressed with our observational skills and how we recorded our work.  Take a look at the photos.



In Science, we have been looking at materials and their properties.  We looked a photo of a castle and talked about what it was built out of and why.  Mrs Carlile set us a challenge to build our own castles using only paper, sellotape, art straws and multi link cubes.  Each table worked together to develop their team building, communication and listening skills to see who could build the strongest castle.

The winners of the best design...

The winners of the strongest castle...

The runners up...
