- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good morning Year 2, I hope you are ok! Oh my goodness, it's the last day of term and your last day of Year 2! Time has gone so incredibly quickly, I just can't believe it. Even though our year was cut short, I am so grateful for the time that we did manage to spend together, you are such a wonderful class and I am so proud of each and every one of you. I was sat in our classroom this week sorting our your work books, records of achievement and displays, and it really did make me smile remembering all the things we got up to and learnt about. They all seem so long ago now after lockdown, so it was great to look back and reflect. I will treasure these memories that we were able to share and I hope you do too. The hard work and efforts that you have put in to complete your tasks over the last few months have been amazing. The quality of work that you have produced and sent in has blown my socks off, especially the tricky maths, the science investigations and fabulous arts and crafts! I have loved keeping in contact with you via my school email and blog, it has cheered me up daily being able to read your lovely messages, see what you have been up to and what you have managed to achieve! I'm so sad that we can't share this last day together or give you one last hug, however, please know that I am sending you a MASSIVE squeeze and lots of love! I'm sure I will see you soon in the new school year
Have a wonderful summer and I wish you all the best for Year 3
Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.
Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to
I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!
Thursday 16th July 16/07/2020
Maths- The 10 times table
Please watch the video and then complete the worksheets afterwards. You can print the worksheets if you like, or copy ONLY the answers into your red book.
In your green book, please could you write one big prayer of thanks to God for the Year, for everybody who has worked hard, for everyone to keep safe and to help everybody prepare for Year 3 and their new year groups or schools. Please make your prayer thoughtful and special. You could draw and colour beautiful pictures around the edge.
Art- I would like you to make yourself a funky bookmark. You can make it any shape and decorate it how you like. It could be of an animal, plant or sports template or be decorated in any way that you fancy. Be creative!
Have a wonderful summer and look after yourselves and each other!
Love Miss Dewhurst x