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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 27th April

Good morning Year 6! Welcome to the Summer Term!

We hope you have had a lovely break from learning and are now ready to get back to work. We are following the same format as before: 

Mrs Baird will set all Maths, Science and RE 

Mrs Jones will set English and all other subjects.

Our email addresses are below for you to send work as an alternative to blogging on the school website.


We expect you to take pride in your work and complete all of it to a high standard whether it is in your exercise books or online. All evidence of your work is collected by us and assessed. Nothing can be achieved by worrying about the current Corona Virus situation and how it has affected our lives. What we can do is take control by working hard, being kind to others and always keeping safe. If you do that, your family and teachers will be very proud of you. This class above any other has the talents and character to get through any difficulty that is put in their way. Now let's see how we can be successful today...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 27-4-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.




Dance Week

This week you dance fanatics can try some 'Just Dance' routines alongside your exercise with Joe Wicks. (Do you remember when we did the Just Dance 'Waka Waka This time for Africa' routine? You were all amazing!) There will be a different dance to practice each day. On Friday, we will vote for our favourite dance routine. Follow the link below to master 'Uptown Funk' dance moves.


Click on the link to access PE Lessons with Joe Wicks.  



LO: To spell words with the suffix -able or -ible

Log on to Education City and complete the spelling activity called: Aim High 1.

LO: To understand a text

Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page underneath the date folders.

Read the text saved there. It is the story of Annie Baba and the thieves. Yes, it is Ali Baba and the 40 Bandits but altered slightly! Answer the questions about this text in your red exercise book or on a word document and attach them to today’s blog or email them. I will post the answers tomorrow for you to mark your work and then send your scores in.

MATHS L.O Mixed Reasoning Questions 


Every Monday you will have a choice of two activities plus a TTRS BATTLE.


Do the next test out of your MATHS BOOK 1 SAT BUSTER 10-Minute Tests. Set A Test 5. Ask someone to mark it for you, the answers are in the back of the book. Please send me a BLOG telling me how many you got right out of 10.


If you are finding the 10min tests too easy then you could do this activity instead. There is a PDF with 10 advanced questions (click below) Answers are also included. Once you have finished ask someone to mark it for you and send me a BLOG telling me how many you got right out of 10.


I’ve  set up a battle on Times Table Rock Stars. Boys against Girls. It will only last for 1 day and opens at 9.00am so make sure you don’t miss it.  I’ll post the winner tomorrow. I hope all those Easter Eggs haven’t reduced your speed.


HISTORY: AD900 Baghdad

This period of history will continue to be the basis for our learning over the next 4 weeks and will drive all our learning. You will shortly be experts on this incredible time!

This week, our focus is the history of medicine.


LO: To compare medicinal treatments

Go to the History folder on the Year 6 website page and use the information and instructions to complete today’s lesson. There you will recall your knowledge about The House of Wisdom and the famous people who studied there. Then you will focus on the medical treatments for common illnesses devised around AD900 in Baghdad and in Europe and then compare them to today's treatments. It's really interesting!

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