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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 9th February

Good morning Year 6!

Well done on yesterday's work all those that blogged and emailed. We enjoyed a super Teams Meeting too! I wonder if Olivia will bring her gecko to the meeting again?! 

You created some excellent combinations in your English work. For maths, remember that we are REFLECTING shapes NOT TRANSLATING (sliding) them. You remembered lots about the biomes geography lesson and there were some amazing Kahoot scores. Giuseppe, Sophie and Millie all scored 100% - FABULOUS!! What learning have you got today? Well try and log on to the CBBC Channel at 9.40 am for a lesson on Biomes and Creative Writing - sounds interesting. Come on, get your books and pens out and let's get going...



Today's exercise choices:

1. Go outside for a refreshing walk. (Will there be MORE snow today?)

2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines.

3. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 9-2-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



MORE AMAZING NEWS!! I received another email from getepic and it is fabulous! We have now reached a collective total of 250 books! Our fantastic readers for Monday are Giuseppe and Theo B - excellent work you two! Get reading EVERYONE and we may reach a total of 300 books by Friday. That would be superb! Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day and this target is achievable.


LO: To reflect shapes over a mirror line

Today we are going to watch ALL of the White Rose clip on reflecting shapes. You should remember the first 7 minutes of the lesson and then carry on to watch ALL of the clip. It's quite tricky at the end so don't be afraid to rewind it and play it again. Remember when you reflect a shape it flips over. (Translation is the slide). We will reflect over the x and y axis today so you will have a shape in all 4 of the quadrants.

When you have watched the clip carefully have a go at the White Rose worksheet. The last couple of questions are difficult so I have included the answers so you can check your work.

If you found this really difficult have a go at the easier worksheet.

If you want to challenge yourself, have a go at the harder one.


Aut6.13.4 - Reflections

This is "Aut6.13.4 - Reflections" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


LO: To use grammar skills

LO: To create a list poem

Today you have 2 tasks to complete. Read the information and instructions on the slides below in order to complete your work successfully. I am looking forward to reading your poems!


LO: To use the negative form

This week's lesson is the final lesson about nationality and saying where you live. In today's lesson you will learn to use the negative form to say where you don't live and what nationality you are not.

Watch the Oak Academy Lesson by clicking on the link below. Complete all the tasks the teacher asks you to do during the lesson - remember to pause the video to give you time to write accurately.

Once you have completed the tasks on the video, click on the worksheet below. You will find an additional 5 sentences to translate into French, take care to use the correct masculine of feminine form based on who is speaking!

Please send pictures of your work through the blog or by email - we have been very impressed with your French work, it is wonderful to see how hard you are all working.

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