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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 10th June

Good morning Year 3!


Please make sure you are either emailing me or sending me your work on the blog! Not everyone is doing their times table rockstars, make sure you go on it every day!


Also remember every day to:


-Practise your spellings

-Play on TTRS for 20 mins



Here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson 


LO: To subtract money.

Follow the link below to the White Rose Website. Click on the tab named ‘Week 3 – w/c 4th May’ and look at Lesson 3 – subtract money.

Watch the video carefully and then complete the activity worksheet below.



LO: To write a glossary.


In a non-chronological report, we use lots of technical vocabulary. These are words that would only be used for describing or explaining that topic, in this case, model aircraft. I would like you to look at the information you sorted on Monday and pick out the technical vocabulary. Then I would like you to use either a dictionary or the internet to find out the meaning of the technical word and write it on the glossary. The layout of your glossary is on Resource 6c.

Resource 6c

Resource 6a


LO: To explore the communities that live in the Rainforest.

Look through the slides on the power point below all about the people and tribes that live in the rainforest.

There are then 2 options for you to complete:

Worksheet 1 (cut and stick or copy out the sentences from worksheet 1a onto worksheet 1b) or worksheet 2.

You can copy these into your workbooks or print them out.

Geography Power Point

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