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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 26th February

Good morning Year 3!



Today's tasks are:

1. Maths

2. English

3. Science



Today on TEAMs I am going to explain our Lent Challenge which will start on Monday.
During Lent, we are going to work as a class to raise money for Mrs McKeating's charity Mission Possible. This money will go to our Sister School in Kenya. 


Our challenge will be a Fitness challenge! We are going to have 5 exercises that we are going to practise every day in order to prepare for our big fitness challenge in a few weeks! The five exercises are:



-Sit ups


-Press ups

-Jumping Jacks


I would like you to practise these every day and record how many you can do in 1 minute per exercise. (For the plank write down how long you can plank for).

I have attached a recording sheet for you to write the date at the top every day and the number of exercises you did. I have also attached a sponsor form. I would like you to get sponsors for when we do the big fitness challenge together in school in a few weeks. 


I will explain all of this in more detail on TEAMs today!


Have a great day! Love Mrs Sethi x



LO: To compare lengths.

Today in Maths, you are going to be comparing lengths.





You need to watch the video carefully below, pausing it when you are asked to complete activities. Then you have a worksheet to complete that I have attached below

Compare lengths


LO: To complete a SPAG test.




Today Year 3, you are going to complete a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Test. I have attached it below. This afternoon, at 2pm I will put the answers on the blog and then you can mark your work and comment with how you got on!


LO: To identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Today we are going to be looking at our bodies and what helps us to move. First, I want you to look at the power point I have attached below. Work through the questions, discussing them with someone at home if you can. It will go through why we have a skeleton, some of the animals that have a skeleton and how our muscles work. 


Once you have worked your way through the power point I would then like you to complete the worksheets I have attached below. Use the key words at the bottom to label the skeleton and then answer the questions on the next worksheet. Try to answer all the questions, but if you struggle, you can google the answers to some of them. Such as ‘How many bones are there in the human body’


If you have some space outside and some chalk, or a big sheet of paper… here’s another activity you could do. Get someone to draw around you and then draw in the skeleton inside your body! If you manage to do this, I would love to see the pictures!

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