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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 30th June

Happy Tuesday everybody!

Yesterday was FREEZING in school! Brrrrrr!! Where has the hot weather gone? Despite being cold, it was great to welcome Group B in school and they worked their socks off. We completed many Go Noodles to keep warm. Home learners sent in emails and blogs so well done keeping up the good work. Let's see what we are doing today...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 30-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Are your skills for the virtual Lancashire Schools' Sports Festival improving? Click on the link below to try another sport's day skill. Send in any photos or clips and I will forward them to Mr Steele.


L.O To understand what a percentage is and its connection to fractions.

We are going to use the Online OAK ACADEMY lessons again this week and the topic is percentages.

If you need a reminder on how to use the Oak Academy lessons go to the video page on the school website and you will find a video that will explain how it works.


Percentages are a way of showing a proportion of something when the whole thing is 100. They are just like fractions with a denominator of 100.

75% is 75 out of 100 or 75/100.

Any fraction that is equivalent to 75/100, such as ¾ will also have the same percentage. 75% in this case. They also have the same decimal. 0.75.

Use your calculator to do 3÷4 = 0.75 & 75 ÷ 100 = 0.75


Firstly, look at the chart below and it will remind you of the patterns we learnt in class, then click on the link below and it will take you to the lesson.

Send your work in the normal way through the BLOG or EMAIL.



Today you have 3 tasks. Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page for further information.


LO: To use a dictionary

There is a vocabulary starter where you will need to use a dictionary (book or online).


Then you are going to read or listen to Chapter 9 of Holes.


LO: To use appropriate vocabulary

Finally you are going to write a letter home as if you were Stanley.

Click on the link below to listen to the audio book of Chapter 9 and then click on the Camp Olympia clip to remind you what Stanley thought Camp Green Lake might be like.


Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 8-10

Holes by Louis Sachar CH. 8-10 Read aloud with slides to accompany the text. (Recorded with

This Summer, set course to DESTINATION FUN!

A sneak preview into all the fun happening at Camp Olympia in 2014! Join us at Camp Olympia in Trinity, TX for the best summer camp experience ever. It is De...


LO: To tell the time in French

In this lesson, we will use all the new vocabulary we have been learning about time and use it to talk about what time we have our daily meals. All the information you need is on the powerpoint, but if you need any additional words for foods that you eat, use google translate to find them. The powerpoint is also saved as pictures in the French folder on the Year 6 website page.

Please remember to comment on the French blog or email your work to Mrs Jones.

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