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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 22nd February

Happy Monday Year 4, I hope you had a lovely half term and a good rest! You should all be ready to get back to work and trying your best. 

Don't forget to meet me on Microsoft Teams at 9:35 every morning, to go through your tasks. It should be easy to join through the calendar by clicking on the meeting on that day, and you will be waiting in a lobby until I open the meeting. Please make sure you log on and join the meeting because I will be doing a register!

Remember to keep blogging or emailing me every day! 

Keep reading using the GETEPIC website or app and logging into TTRS daily also!

Have fun and keep active! Here are you task for today:


PE dance fitness challenge! Lets see who can make it all the way to the end of this dance workout! 30 Minutes of Your Favorite Dance Along Videos! Featuring: Thank U Next, Sunflower, & 7 Rings


Task 1: English

LO: To create an acrostic poem

Follow the photo slides below to create your own acrostic poem using one of the words on the task page. The first two slides are the example poem for you to use, this is how I want your poem to look. The third slide if your task and words to choose from. The forth slide is a planning sheet you can use to write down words and phrases to use for each letter of the poem. The final slide is a writing template to write your finished poem onto. The PDF of these sheets are also uploaded below if you wanted to print these of. If not just copy into your exercise books.  


Task 2: Maths

LO: To interpret and construct pictograms

Todays Maths there are two lesson links below to complete, follow the instructions on the Oak Academy lessons. Follow the video lesson and pause at anytime. Copy and complete any work or worksheets into your exercise books. In these lessons, you will be looking at tally charts, frequency tables and pictograms, you will also be using data to construct your own pictogram.


Task 3: RE

LO: To understand the story of the 12 apostles

Follow the slides below and learn about the story of how Jesus met his apostles for the first time. Your tasks are explained on the last two slides. Complete the work into you exercise books or use the templates attached below. Enjoy!

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