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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 8th June

Good morning Year 2! I hope you are feeling well and had a lovely weekend!

It's Monday again, the start of another week. Please carry on working hard and trying your best.smiley

I can't believe the amazing standard of work that I am getting from you, thank you so much.

Let's keep it up!

Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!



Monday 8th June     08/06/2020


Monday Assembly

Please click on the link below and watch this beautiful assembly called ‘Guess the Trilogy’



Maths- 5 minute intervals recap


If you have any clocks at home that can help you with this topic that would be great.

Time is a difficult topic, it just takes lots and lots of revision.


Top tips for time

  • The minute hand is long and slim, it likes to run round the clock faster
  • The hour hand is little and plump, it doesn’t move as fast as the minute hand
  • Chant the 5 minute intervals as you move clockwise around a clock, pointing to the right numbers... 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes...
  • Then try O’ clock, 5 past, 10 past, quarter past, 20 past, 25 past, half past……. Do a few at a time, then keep on building up until you finally reach O'clock again.


Please watch the clip


Then work your way through the Inspire maths pages below. Copy the answers into your red books.

English- Please find your KS1 English Comprehension Book. I would like you to read and answer page 13 ‘Making a bird feeder’ and page 14 ‘The Tear Thief’.



RE- To know about Reconciliation.

It is important everyday to think about if you have followed good rules and made good choices. This is called an 'Examination of conscience'.

Your conscience is the sense of right and wrong that is inside you, and helps you to make good choices. 

Please read the beautiful texts below.

There is a very special Sacrament, sign of God's love, that helps Catholics to examine their conscience and ask for God's forgiveness. It is called the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You think of sins you are sorry about, the things you have done wrong on purpose, you ask for God to forgive you and tell the priest, who keeps it a secret and won't tell anyone. The priest tells you your sins are forgiven in Jesus' name and asks you to make up for them by being kind and saying a prayer.


Key questions to answer with an adult

  • What is good to do at the end of the day and why?
  • How do you think someone feels who has received the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
  • What  does this priest tell you in this Sacrament?
  • What kind of things do you think you would ask someone to do to make thing right, if you were a priest?
  • How can you show you are really sorry?



In your green writing book, put the date and L.O. Then please draw the image of the Priest and boy below and add speech bubbles to it, suggest something the boy is sorry for and how the priest replies. Use what you have learnt from the texts to do this, including key vocabulary where you can.


Have a wonderful Monday laugh

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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