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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 20th May

Happy Wednesday you have made it to the half way point of the week! You are working so hard well done! Keep reading, blogging, emailing, TTRS and keep active! 

Remember to have a break in between each task, do something active if you can!

Still not enough children are blogging me or logging onto TT RockStars, it is really important that you do!

Click on this link and read my blog post first thing every morning: 

Here are today's tasks:


PE today: Wellness Wednesday! Kids Yoga Class, this will get you ready and set for the day!


Task 1: English

LO: To plan for writing

Did you guess what the ANOTHER DIG story was all about? Well here you go this is the video of that story, can you guess which character I was pretending to be when writing my recount:


The Egyptian Pyramids - Another Dig!

Still image for this video


This time it is your turn, today you are going to plan a recount of that video but you are going to be the EXPLORER!

The document below is a template of the plan/storyboard, you can copy it into your books or print out and use for today's task. Complete the plan/story board writing everything that you think the exploring is thinking, saying or doing in that part of the story. Write in the boxes next to each picture, this is an example of the first box:

Here is the text I did as the camel, to help you if you need it.


Task 2: Maths

LO: To order decimals

To access today’s Maths click on the link below:
Complete lesson 4: Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April)(remember to scroll down and click on the right pink week tab), watch the video lesson, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! If you want an extra hard challenge: have a look at the Friday challenge below lesson 4 and try to answer the questions if you can. Enjoy!

It looks like this:

After you have done this can you please log onto TT RockStars and play fro 10-15 mins, this is a MUST so that I know you are completing the Maths task set.


Task 3: Music

LO: To compose music using body percussion

In our final lesson of the half term, we are going to compose our own short poem, and then perform it using body percussion. You will write your poem based on your Ancient Egypt topic.

Use the rhythms we have been practising and the poem from last week to help you write your own 4 line poem. Please send your poems in by email or on the blog, and if you can please send in a short video of you performing your poem. Click on the PowerPoint link below:

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