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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 16th July

Good Morning Year 3! For the last time!!! sad


Today is your LAST DAY OF HOME LEARNING! We break up for the Summer Holidays today, so you can have a lovely rest! 


I have attached a little video below to say goodbye and wish you a safe and fun Summer Holiday! Follow the link to School Videos and then look under Year 3 yes


As you all know... I am getting married next week (Thursday 23rd) so when we return to school in September, I will be called Mrs Sethi! I wish you all the best of luck in Year 4, I will miss you lots but I'm only next door! 


Be nice to your parents over the summer hols and be safe! 


Sending lots of love... here are your final tasks...


Love Miss Townson (for the last time!!!) heart


LO: To complete an arithmetic paper.


Follow the link below to this week’s arithmetic test. Try your best!


When you have finished this, If you have a computer…

log onto Education City and find the classwork named ‘Thursday 16th   July – Maths’


Have fun!



LO: To answer questions on a given text. 


Find your CGP Comprehension books in your Home Learning Packs. Today I would like you to complete page 24-25 which are questions on the extract from ‘Jellyfish in the UK’.


Enjoy! Remember to send me your work either on the blog or on email.



Our last music lesson Year 3, is on the most magical place in the world... Disneyland!

Look at the power point below and it will guide you through our last lesson!


Love Mrs Jones x


Guess The Kids Movie Songs from recent years in this hard guess the song challenge. all rights to the songs belong to their respective owners.

Music Quiz!

Still image for this video
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