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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 15th May

Happy Friday, Year 6!

We have made it to the end of another week of home learning. Well done to all. Your boats yesterday looked marvellous - I hoped you enjoyed making them! Make sure you complete ALL tasks today and then you will feel proud of yourself at the end of the day because you will have done your best. Good luck on today's tasks and enjoy your learning!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 15-5-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



Fun Fitness Challenge week

Your final Fun Fitness Challenge is a good one. It is called: Chocolate K-5 Warm-Up. I wonder if you need some chocolate? Click on the link below for today's Fun Fitness Challenge. Have fun!

PhysEdZone: "Chocolate" K-5 warm-up

If you want your students to get their heart rate up and have fun at the same time, then try this warm-up. I try to add different exercises into it. Your stu...



YIPPEE! It’s Friday again and you know what that means. FRIDAY ARITHMETIC TEST. Click on the PDF attached below, and your questions will appear just like magic. It’s Test 8.

Do your working out and answers in your Maths Book and then get someone to mark it for you. BLOG me your score out of 40 please.

The answers are on the last sheet of the test. Please don’t look at them until you have finished, it will not help you. 



LO: To use grammar and punctuation skills

Complete the next 10 min test from the purple KS2 Grammar and Punctuation Book: Book 1 Set C test 2 page 44. When you have finished, use the answers to mark your work out of 12 and post this score. 

Remember a modal verb shows the likelihood that something happens: could, might, may, would, should, ought to, can, will, must.


LO: To use formal language

Click on the document below and read this comic-strip about Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created the World Wide Web.

Then write today’s date and LO in your exercise book or on a word document. Your task is to write a biography about Tim Berners-Lee using the information you have just read. It should be at least one page long and be good quality writing. A biography uses:

  • formal language (as if you are speaking to the queen), unlike a comic strip, which is informal (like speaking with your friends).
  • chronological order (time order). Start with his birth and early life and continue up to the present day using paragraphs to order your work logically.
  • key dates and facts about his life.
  • time adverbials are really useful to begin each paragraph: during, later on, after a while, before long, just then, immediately, in the blink of an eye.
  • Details to interest the reader.


Click on the link below to see an example biography about Shakespeare, which helps you see the language and the structure of the text you need to use.


LO: To use DT skills

There are two DT options to choose from today, based on our inventions learning this week.


Make your own camera obscura. Click on the link below to watch how. You need a room that can be made quite dark with the curtains closed, a toilet roll and some hair clips. Take several photos of the image your camera obscura makes over the course of the day and attach it to the blog or email it to me.

How To Make A Camera Obscura Quickly Using Ordinary Household Items

Great entertainment not only for amateur photographers, but also for useful pastime with children who are fond of science. OUR SITE: VK:...


Make your own Rose-Water Perfume.

Ask an adult to help you with this task. All you need is rose petals and water. I am sure you could try a different flower if you want. In the clip it asks you to use distilled water, but normal water is fine. Also you do not need the aloe vera gel. Click on the link below to see how it is done. Take some photos of you making the perfume and attach them to the blog or email them to me. How did it smell?

DIY Rosewater Spray | Lazy Girls Guide to Beauty

POPSUGAR Beauty Reporter Kirbie Johnson shows you an easy and fun DIY - how to make your own rosewater spray! Subscribe to POPSUGAR Girls' Guide http://www.y...

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