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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 8th January 2021

Task 1

Maths - Numbers 1 -10

Clink on the link - Count to 10 with our friends.

Now we are going to play Matching Pairs with numbers 1 to 10.

Please write numbers 1 - 10 on individual pieces of paper

Now draw 1 dot on a piece of paper. Then 2 dots on another piece of paper. Repeat 3 dots, 4 dots, 5 dots, 6 dots, 7 dots, 8 dots, 9 dots and 10 dots. So you should have 20 pieces of paper. 10 with numbers on and 10 with dots on. turn them over so you can not see the numbers or dots. Mix the cards up. Now you are ready to play. Take turns and turn over 2 pieces of paper, if you have a number and dots that match, you keep them. The person who has the most pairs wins the game.

Good luck smiley

Task 2


Click on the link - Exercise, Rhyme and Freeze.

Can you read the sentences and draw the pictures?

 Copy the sentence underneath each picture. Don't forget a capital letter (T) at the beginning, finger spaces (in between each word and a full stop (.) at the end. Oh don't forget best handwriting!

Task 3

Physical Development

I would like you to make an obstacle course. Now remember you've got to stay safe, not make too much mess and tidy up afterwards.

Your obstacle course must have:

1. Crawl under station

2. Jump over station

3. balance along station

4. Throw 5 soft items into a target station

5. Star jump station (You must do 10)

Here are some examples. 

Don't forget to send photos or videos.

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