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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Year 4 you are doing some amzing work thank you, keep up the good work! This week, as well as completing your lessons that I set on here, you need to make sure you:

  • Read. What book are you reading at the minute? Have you read any poetry or non-fiction?
  • Play on TTRS and participate in the battles.
  • Keep in contact with me through the blog or email. This is really important and I love to see what you are doing whilst you are at home.

Here are today's task enjoy:


PE: Click on this link and have a go at completing the activity, make your own if you cannot print the template out!

#BasketballAtHome - Balance Ball, watch the video and have a go at playing balance ball at home!


Task 1: English

LO: SPaG practice

Log onto Education City, click on classwork and then on English Task: Tuesday 12th May. Complete all the activities to practice your spelling, punctuation and grammar. It looks like this:

When you have completed these activities, get the Year 4 SPaG Test out of your home learning pack which I sent home and complete the test. Just have a go and try your best!  


Task 2: Maths

LO: To divide 1 or 2-digits by 100

To access today’s maths click on the link below:
Complete lesson 5: Week 2, (remember to scroll down and click on week 2, not summer term wk2), watch the video lesson, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!

It looks like this:


Task 3: French

Today's lesson will help you to practice what has been learned in the last two lessons. The PowerPoint will explain the task, and the PDF contains the task itself (Click on then links below). If you are lucky enough to have a printer you could always print the PDF and write your answers on, if not please just write the sentences into your exercise books - you do not need to draw the table!! Please send in pictures of your work in the comments of the French blog post, or email to Mr Steele, enjoy!


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