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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd June

Happy Wednesday you have made it to the half way point of the week! You are working so hard well done! Keep reading, blogging, emailing, TTRS and keep active! 

Remember to have a break in between each task, do something active if you can!

Still not enough children are blogging me or logging onto TT RockStars, it is really important that you do! Today there is no Education City, so I will only know if you have done work if you blog, email or log onto TT Rockstars.

Here are today's tasks:


MOVE LIKE THE AVENGERS | Marvel 5-minute Kids Workout



Task 1: English

LO: To complete a reading comprehension pack

From the KS2 English Comprehension Year 4 Targeted Question Book in your folders, complete Julius Caesar's Goat Comprehension activity on pages 10-11. Don’t forget the put the Date at the top of the page.  Please read through the text carefully and keep going back to the text after you have read each question! The answers are in the text! 
You may want to draw me a picture of Julius Caesar and his Goat when you have done and email your master pieces! Good Luck and well done everyone!


Task 2: Maths

LO: To order money

To access today’s maths click on the link below:
Complete lesson 4: Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April)(remember to scroll down and click on the right pink week tab), watch the video lesson, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!

It looks like this:

After you have done this task: please can you know log onto TT Rockstars and Compete in the Boys vs Girls battle, this ends on Friday!


Task 3: Music

LO: To explore the classical orchestra

For this set of music lessons Year 4, we are going to travel the world and explore the different types of instruments and sounds that different countries have. It’s going to be VERY interesting!


Here where we live in Europe, we have our classical orchestra. Our European classical orchestra has instruments and sounds that we are familiar with. As you all know Year 4, the instrument of the orchestra that Mrs Jones plays is the violin from the string family. You know how this looks and sounds, and I play the viola – also a member of the string family and just a little bit bigger than a violin.

Let’s check to see if you can remember the other instruments of the orchestra from the woodwind, brass and percussion families. Watch the clip below about a little boy named George who visits the Sydney Orchestra to find out which instrument he would like to play.

George Meets the Orchestra | An Introduction to the Orchestra for Children

George is going to meet an orchestra for the first time! He wants to learn an instrument - but which one? Follow George as he chats with players of the Sydney Orchestra.

After watching, I want you to choose an instrument, which you would like to play. Draw a picture of the instrument of your choice and write down underneath the picture why you would like to play this instrument. Do you think this would be an easy instrument to learn and why?

Send pictures of your work by email to Mr Steele, or in the comments of my blog post! Enjoy!

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