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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 7th July

Good Morning Year 3!


I hope you are all happy and smiling! Keep the work coming on the blog and on my emails! It is lovely to see your work!


Remember to:


-Play on TTRS

-Practise your spellings



Have a lovely day, here are today's tasks...


Love Miss Townson


LO: To compare mass.

Today you are going to compare mass.


Follow the link below to access today’s video. Watch the video carefully, just like you would listen to me at the beginning of a lesson and then complete the worksheet I have attached below. You can either print it out or copy your answers into your workbooks.

Compare mass

This is "Year 3 - Week 11 - Lesson 2 - Compare mass" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


LO: To complete a reading test.


Today I would like you to find the booklet inside your Home Learning Pack that is called ‘Gifts from the Sea’ There is a booklet that you need to read and an answer booklet where you need to answer the questions on the text you have read. Remember to look back at the text to find the answers. It is not a memory test!


This week you will listen to two French rhymes - the links to the videos are on the powerpoint. When you have watched the videos, you need to copy out the French words for each poem, and then illustrate them. Do each poem on a separate piece of paper and be sure to fill the whole page please. Pictures of your work can be sent on the comments of the French blog, or by email to your class teacher. I hope you enjoy learning the rhymes

French power point

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