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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 11th December

Hello Year 1! 


We have one more week to go and then we can all celebrate Christmas with our families. This week we have had a special delivery under our Christmas tree from Santa, celebrated as a whole with a Christingle service and started practicing our Christmas play. 


Please have a look on our class video page for the  Christingle Service and Year 1's Advent poem. 





Your homework this week is: 




To create a side kick for Santa, who could help Santa deliver the presents on Christmas Eve. Maybe it could be a super elf, a fluffy christmas monster or a tiny fairy. I would like you to use your imagination and create an incredible sidekick.  



To use your amazing subtraction skills to complete the worksheet.

If you need help use a number line, hundred square, objects or your fantastic firework fingers to support your counting. 

Remember when we subtract the answer gets smaller and we have to count backwards. 


Here is the link to the subtraction song we listen to in class.

Have a super weekend with your families and get ready for a fun activity week on Monday laugh


Love Miss Armstrong heart

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