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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Good Morning Year 1


At least the weather has improved so we can go outside without getting soaked thank goodness.


Please make sure you get active this morning. Send Mr Steele a photo or video if you can.laugh


Maths today is Education City and were are back to Number bonds to 10 and 20.

It is great if you know these really well as it will help you in other addition and subtractions.

It is called MATHS 2ND JULY.


For English I would like you to go back to the phonics from Tuesday. I want you to spell all the phase 2-5 tricky words please. Get a grown up to read them out and you can write them in one of your books. You should be spelling them all correctly!


For RE today I want you to think again about what Isaiah said last week.

On a drawing of a large candle I want you  to write words that will show how you can be kind and ‘be a light that shines in the dark’.

I know that you all have amazing qualities that make you

SHINE LIKE A LIGHT for others to see.

I know you will all be great shining examples to the rest of KS 1 when you are in Y 2 after summer.

I want you to think about how wonderful you are and record it colourfully on your candle.


Thank you

Enjoy Thursday

Love Mrs Cloughheart

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