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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



St John's Nursery Class 2023-24

In our Nursery there are two teachers:

Mrs Barker and Mrs Clough 

and our Teaching & Learning Assistants

Miss Barnes and Mrs Catley

We also welcome students from local colleges on work placements.  


· Nursery starts each day at 8.45am. If your child requires morning only sessions (15hrs a week) they should be collected between11.30 and 11.45am. 

· The morning session ends at 11.45am when those children who stay all day (30hrs) have their Packed Lunches (11.45am-12.15pm) which they bring from home before continuing the day with the afternoon session.

· The Nursery closes each day at 3.15pm. Our doors open from 3.00pm and all children should be collected by 3.15pm

· All Nursery Children receive free milk and a fruit snack each morning and have access to indoor and outdoor provision throughout each session. 

· We have access to the school grounds and facilities and also join the rest of the school for important occasions and celebrations and for school masses in church. 

· All Nursery sessions are Teacher-led.


Every child will be allocated a Key Worker who will make sure they are always settled, happy and learning.

Parents & Carers will be able to contact the Key Worker by email and at morning and afternoon door openings in person. 

Other messages can be passed on via


Look here for photos on

Our Nursery Year Timeline

June 2024: Nursery Trip to Mrs Dowson’s Farm: Team Photo- A Big Thank You to all our Helpers

June 2024: Nursery Trip to Mrs Dowson,‘s Farm- Fun in the Play Barn! ( Not as many pics as hands were busy pushing swings, waving to people on bridges and catching dare devils on slides!)

June 2024: Nursery Visit to Mrs Dowson’s Farm: We all took turns to stroke the Baby Rabbit. We learned that it’s called a kitten

June 2024: Looking after God’s World, tidying up, trimming back and adding summer colour to our Outdoor Area. Great Teamwork!

May 2024: Rainy day den making! We had a great time and when the sun came out we made more dens outside.

May 2024: Observing the natural world and talking about plants, flowers, leaf shapes and colours.

May 2024: Busy! Busy! There are all kinds of activities going on in Nursery to help us develop social skills, counting, pencil control and much more!

May 2024: Today we did some outdoor listening. We sat with friends around the fire pit and closed our eyes to listen to the sounds of nature and our environment. We had to be very quiet!

April 2024: Lunchtime organisation- our older children are now practising eating lunch without as much help, ready for more independence in Reception in September.

April 2024: Physical skills on the Trim Trial- it was lovely being there without coats!

April 2024: Welcome Back Everyone to the Summer Term and a special hello to our four new friends who started Nursery today.


March 2024: We joined in with the Whole School Sponsored Walk....Wow! We made everyone very proud of how far we walked! We are raising money for Lent Charities and School Funds.

March 2024: The Fire Service had to come to church today to put out a fire. They were amazing! When the officers were done they asked if we would like to look inside their fire engine! Of course we said yes!

March 2024: We performed Our Class Assembly for our families and friends. It was all about saying THANKYOU. We gave thanks for friends, our bodies, our families, the seasons and we told a story about Jesus helping 10 people. We loved singing and dancing for everyone.

March 2024: Trim Trail Challenges.... Can you work it out yourself? How do you get on? Can you get from one end to the other? How can you get down? Can you change from standing to sitting? Can you co-ordinate your hands and your feet to keep you balanced! Have a GO!!!

February 2024: Welcome to our New Friends! Did you know children can start Nursery as a Rising 3 as soon as they have their 3rd Birthday?

February 2024: There have been quite a few poorly people in Nursery so we opened our own doctor's surgery today.

Februaury 2024: Celebrating the Lunar New Year with food, dragon dancing puppets, decorations and lots of creative tasks! "Kung Hei Fat Choi!"

February 2024: A new month and Everybody is here!

January 2024: A Crane came to Nursery! We watched the roofers deliver a storage container to the front of school. They hooked the container and lifted it up up and over the wall

January 2024: Winter themed creative work.... Collage, glitter, recreating snowflakes, choosing winter colours, tearing, cutting, sticking.

January 2024 - Gross Motor Skills.... Travelling under, over and along using different body parts and different methods ( jump, crawl, slither, walk, bottom shuffle or slide)

January 2024- Using equipment to develop Gross Motor Strength.... throwing using shoulders and upper arms and rolling like a sausage along the mats!

January 2024: Busy with our friends on indoor tasks.... Small world, the creative table, role play and chatting while playing on tablets all help to develop language skills, sharing skills and turn taking.

January 2024: Happy New Year! Welcome Back!

Wishing a Very Merry Christmas to all our Nursery Families! Thank you so much for your kind words, cards & gifts- we really do appreciate them. Love from all the Nursery Team x

Christmas 2023 : Sometimes you just need some quiet time after a busy Party morning!!

Christmas 2023: Party Day!!! Look who came....

Christmas 2023: We are ready to PARRRTY!!!

Christmas 2023: Mixing special receipe reindeer food to sprinkle outside on Christmas Eve

Christmas Play 2023: Well done to all our EYFS children for their super performances of “ Angel Express” this week

Christmas 2023: Our Nativity Play

December 2023- Using shape knowledge to make Christmas gifts and decorations. Look out for circles, rectangles, squares and triangles

December 2023- Magical ice! Look at our Tiara!

December 2023- Making Christmas handprint memories...

November 2023: Frosty mornings... investigating the frost & ice in our outdoor classroom. Look at the footprints we made and all our cosy Winter clothes!

November 2023- Helping Pudsey Bear to help Children In Need . We love Pyjama Days!!

Pudsey Bear says “Thank you for all your donations!”

November 2023: Outdoor ring games. It was too windy for Forest School 2 so we had a short time playing together. The grand old Duke of York was fun!

November 2023: Forest School 1 was amazing! We found lots of poppies and made our own woodland ones.

October 2023: Autumn Festivals- Lantern making, spider searching and spooky pictures...

October 2023: Autumn Festivals- Halloween “Pumpkin Fun.... Hammering, scooping, designing and carving”

October 2023: Autumn Festivals- Halloween activities “Spooky Modelling”

October 2023- Enterprise Week... We are busy making goodies for you to buy and eat!! This afternoon we made Rocky Road.... we loved the spoon and finger licking at the end!

October 2023- Enterprise Week.... Planting Spring Bulbs in our hand decorated pots!!!

October 2023: Enterprise Week Activities- Key Ring making is a great fiddly fingers activity!

October 2023: Balance bike skills...... we always wear helmets on two wheel bikes

October 2023: Cafod Non Uniform Day to help others in need.... and fun in class with friends

October 2023: Fun on the Trim Trail.... We use this area every week... it’s great for climbing, core strength, balance and fun!