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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 20th November

Hello Year 2,


I was so impressed with the homework that I received this week! Your comprehension and column addition skills were great!


Here is your homework to be completed before next Friday 27th November 2020.



This week, we have been practicing regrouping from tens to ones in column subtraction sums. Please could you complete the sums on the worksheet that I sent home with you. 



We have also continued to practice our reading comprehension skills. Please could you complete the 'The Three Billy Goat's Gruff' reading comprehension text that I sent home with you. Remember to use the text to support your answers.


Once you have completed your worksheets, please take a picture of them and put them on the school blog or send them to my email so that I can tick you off in my register.  


*Please remember to read EVERYDAY!*  


Reading diary book change days are Mondays and Thursdays.


Please make sure you bring your reading diary and book in on BOTH of these days each week, ready for a new book!


We would like you to be reading 2 whole school books a week so that you are practicing your reading and phonics regularly at home.


Thank you for all your hard work.


Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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