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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 5th February 2021

Hello Everyone laugh

We have made it to the end of week 5, WOW! I really want to let you all know how proud I am of all of your hard work. You are all working super hard and I have really enjoyed getting to see you all on our morning sessions. I cannot wait to see you all this morning! Today is Friday all day and we will be finding out who is the home learner of the week so good luck! yes


Miss Armstrong heart

Let’s start our Friday the right way with a good wake up and dance.

Get Up to Get Down


Your English lesson today is split into 2 parts. The first part I would like you to complete a comprehension sheet, this sheet is focusing on the Lost and Found and checking what can you remember. Please try and do this on your own as the comprehension activity purpose is focusing on reading and understanding the questions. Try your best to complete this.

Your second task is to sequence the story of Lost and found. You can either print and cut out the pictures to order the story or you can draw the pictures. I am happy for you to do this either way but you must write underneath each picture a sentence to tell the story.


Please access Education city for your activities for today. Have a go try your best, over the weekend see if you can do anymore super measuring whether this is in your house or outside using your handspan.


Your Art lesson for today is attached below, you may need your parents help with some of the part but try and have a go.  Again, there are two options.

Option One: A Pop-Up Penguin. Please look at the document below for step by step instructions.

Option Two: To recreate the Lost and Found Penguin.

Have a go at either one but the main thing is to have some fun after all it is Friday!


Once you have completed your tasks for today, make yourself a nice hot drink maybe a snack if your parents let you and watch below the Lost and Found episode.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Happy Friday

Miss Armstrong heart

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