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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another





The children are learning all about how some toys from the past are different to some modern toys.  The children had great fun remembering toys they played with as a baby, toddler and now.  They also had fun playing dominoes, tiddlywinks and constructing with straws.

Mrs Howley came to talk to the children about Teddy Bears. She has been collecting them for over 20 years and has a fantastic collection

Making a toy from the past - a cup and ball. The children had great fun trying to catch the ball in the cup. Then we tried skipping and playing with hoops.

A study of significant events beyond living memory  - Moon Landings.


The children have been learning all about Neil Armstrong and his dreams as a child to fly.  They have used digital imagery to create their pictures of the first moon landing with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.

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