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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good morning Year 1, 


Well done to those who have accessed the Epic Reading Website I know that some of you have had trouble login on, I will try and fix that today. 


Please see below your lessons for today, remember to work hard and try your best. You are all super stars! At the end of the week there will a certificate and a badge to the home learner of the week so keep up the hard work. 

The Pirate Life - Moose Tube | GoNoodle


LO: To create an acrostic poem.

Today we are going to look at a different kind of poetry, this is called Acrostic Poem. We have looked at these before when we created our nature poems. Below is a PowerPoint to explain your task. Please complete your work in your GREEN book. After you have written your poem you may want to draw a little picture to go with it.



Please access Phonics play games and complete your Phonics Booklet 10 minute workouts

pages 4-5.


LO: To be able to count one more or one less from any numeral. 


Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions/pictures. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.

Count one more one less

Religious Education


LO: To identify a special person in your family and be able to explain why they are special. 


Please click the video below of Jane's story, once you have done this please can you complete your task in your GREEN book. 


Can you draw a picture of different people who help us and include some captions about each person. Write a sentence to explain why they are special. E.g. Doctors are special because they look after our health and they can make us feel better when we are poorly.

Jane's Story about Special People

Still image for this video

Remember to send your work to:

Have a lovely day smiley

Miss Armstrong

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