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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 25th March

Year 4 - Can I just say how proud I am of all the amazing work you are doing. Your attitude and determination is awesome! Today's tasks are mostly online, can you please comment on my Wednesday blog post when you have completed a task. Or even better get an adult to email me a picture of your work. This is so I know you are home learning! I will post pictures on our class page of photo's your adults send me via email:

I look forward to seeing all your work! Keep active and why not help your adults at home with any jobs!



Pope's Angelus: Global "Our Father" Wednesday and Urbi et Orbi blessing Friday

Pope Francis has asked that as many people as possible stop what they are doing at noon and say the Our Father. I think that our voices added to many others will make a difference.


Task 1: Maths

LO: To understand tenths, hundredths and decimals

To access today’s maths click on the link below:
Complete lesson 1 and 2 by watching the video lessons, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! 


Task 2: English

LO: To correctly use fronted adverbial

Log onto EducationCity and click onto class work, then click onto English Task: Wednesday 25th March and complete the lesson. There are two activities as a PDF document you can either print and complete or write the answers into your exercise book. Don’t forget the date and LO! 



Task 3: Music (you’re welcome parents)

Watch the first 4 minutes of this samba clip below. Can you identify any of the techniques we have been using in our Samba? For example call and response, shouts, calls, introductions, endings? Note down work in your exercise book then Mrs Miskell will create a blog entry for you to comment your work/answers! Enjoy! 🎵🎶🥁🎼🎭🎺🎻🎸🪕🎧🎤🎹

Samba rhythms | Raio de Sol | TEDxCanberra

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