- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
In our Nursery there are two teachers:
Mrs Barker and Mrs Clough
and our Teaching & Learning Assistant
Miss Barnes.
Every child will be allocated a Key Worker who will make sure they are always settled, happy and learning. Parents and Carers will be able to contact the Key Worker by email.
Please email photos or news of anything you do outside of Nursery that is special to you with a little description of it so that we can add this to your Learning Journeys, talk about it in class and share your news with your friends.
Summer Term 2021
Welcome back - we hope you had a lovely Christmas and we send all our love and best wishes to all our families for a very happy and safe 2021
Funding and Payments
We have many children staying every day for full days, taking advantage of the government funded 30 hours scheme or the self funded paid top-up sessions that are available.
The cost of an additional afternoon session is £10 for self funded children.
ALL children staying for full days are required to pay £2 per day for the lunchtime supervision. This should be paid a week in advance online via ParentPay.
Please remember that it is your responsibility to apply for and renew your 30 hours voucher codes and give the information to the school office for when the funding checks are carried out - see this website for funding information https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
Water Bottles
Children should bring a water bottle with a sport top to access during the sessions. Please do not send juice in this - Water ONLY. Please make sure your child can easily identify their bottle.
Naming Belongings
Please could we remind parents to name all uniform, shoes, coats, lunch bags and water bottles and to make sure there is a bag of spare clothes on your child's hook at all times. Leggings or trousers that pull up and down easily are best for encouraging independence.
Packed lunches
Please provide your child with a nutricious, healthy lunch that is easy to eat. They will need the necessary forks and spoons in their lunch box and their own bottle of water. We will ask them to eat sandwiches / pasta / crackers and any fruit first. Please do not send sweets or items with a high sugar content as these are not in line with our healthy schools initiative. Please send water to drink.