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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 9th February

Banana Banana Meatballs

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Task 1

Maths - Making 14.

Click on the link - Counting to 20 and exercise.

Watch the video - Number 14. Your adult may need to pause it, so you can do the challenges.

Get your tens frame and counters out. You will need 14. Using two ten frames to make 14.

Can you make 5 different ways to make 14?

Number 14

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Task 2

Phonics - Revise the th sound.

Click on the video - CVC words with e

Watch the video - Finding the sounds

Sorting th words into two groups

After you have sorted them, choose a th word and write a sentence on your whiteboard.

th - soft th - hard


CVC words - e

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Finding sounds

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Task 3

EAD - Learn about an Artist - Kandinsky.

Thinking about our story this week - What colour is love?

Kandinsky loved shapes and colours. Watch the video about Kandinsky and try to do some colourful circles.

 The Artist, Kandinsky. 

                                                                                                     Kandinsky art work


Learn about Kandinsky

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