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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 2nd July

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are ok! The work I have received so far this week has been brilliant, such beautiful writing and excellent maths. Please keep on working hard!


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


I am in school today, so I will reply to your blogs and emails when I can.


Thursday 2nd July    02/07/2020


Maths- Millilitres 


Please watch the video and then complete the worksheets afterwards. You can print the worksheets if you like, or copy ONLY the answers into your red book.


On the 'draw a line on the jug questions', if it's easier you can just point and discuss your answers with an adult or write down the measurements if you don't have a printer. 

Year 2 - Week 10 - Lesson 4 - Millilitres.mp4

Still image for this video

English- To write a character description.

Yesterday, we watched a clip called 'The way back home'. 

A young boy builds himself a rocket and sends himself off to Space. He lands on a far away planet.  His spaceship breaks down, a friendly alien lands and he breaks down too.  The little boy parachutes to earth to get some tools to fix the ship.  He gets back by way of a huge ladder, fixes the machines and then they both fly off.


Today, in your green book, I would like you to neatly draw, colour and label your own alien (half a page big) that lives on a faraway planet. Please label your alien's features using a ruler and write on the lines given. Use creative adjectives. For example, long, rubbery legs,   an illuminous, green stomach,    twinkly, yellow eyes,     short, wobbly fingers,    a magnificent, tall neck


Underneath your alien, I would like you to describe what it looks like using full sentences in one detailed paragraph. Please try to start your sentences in different ways and include some similes where possible. For example- This peculiar alien has a magnificent, tall neck like a giraffe so he can see for miles around. 


Science- To design a healthy pizza.

On some plain paper, I would like you to design and label your own healthy pizza. 

You could research different ideas if you like. There are many healthier pizza base options such as pitta bread, seeded tortillas, flat bread, cauliflower based crust, beetroot based crust.... then many healthy toppings to choose from! Remember, if it's a healthy pizza, would a full fat cheese be good to sprinkle on the top? Hmmmm. Also, who thinks pineapple is good on a pizza?! cheeky


Think carefully about your choices of food- do you know how the different foods are good for you and what food groups they are in? 


Then I would like you to answer the following questions on the back of your sheet:

  1. Why is this a healthy pizza?
  2. Why have you chosen these foods in particular? (Think about textures, colour, taste and vitamins/how they might be good for you)


Over the next week, if you would like, you could try and make your healthy pizza! If you do, please send me photographs as I'd love to see!


Have a lovely day.

Love Miss Dewhurst x


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