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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 28th January

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all ok!


Wow, you have worked so hard on your times tables this week, I am so impressed with the fantastic scores I've seen on Education City! Your writing tasks have also been presented so beautifully, I am very proud of you all! Our class has read over 350 books so far on GetEpic too, that is AMAZING! Please keep it up and keep smiling laugh


Below are your lessons for today. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog.


Everyday, please find time to log onto using our class code (that was texted to you and it's on our school blog) and click on your initials, to access the books that I am assigning for you to read. I will add more books each week. They can be found in your mailbox! If you have read your assigned books, please feel free to read any of the other age-related books available on the website too. This website is what our school is using to monitor your reading at home, please make sure that you are reading regularly.


L.O. Make Tally Charts.

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.


L.O. To recognise their, there and they're homophones.

Yesterday you did such a good job with your homophone work, so today I would like you to have a go at their, there and they're!


Please listen to the video below. Then put the date and L.O into your lined book and have a go at copying out the sentences from the document below, choosing and underlining the correct their, there or they're. laugh You don't need to copy out the examples.


Still image for this video


L.O. To identify healthy and unhealthy food and know how much of them we should eat.

Please listen to the Science video below. Once you have done this, I would like you to have a go at the task from the slides which are underneath the video. smiley


Still image for this video

Have a great day!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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