Good Morning Year 3!
Today is your last day of Home Learning before our Easter break! Let's make it a good one!
Make sure you look at our message from the Teachers on the CLASS PAGES home page! There is also a PowerPoint with the Easter Read Around on, let's see if you can spot which teachers are reading which bits!
I miss you all dearly and I cannot wait to get back to normal in School.
As we can't go to Church this Easter, many priests are live streaming Mass! I have put some links below, it would be lovely for you to join them in prayer at home.
I hope you are all happy and well, sending lots of smiles to your families 

Remember to keep reading over the Easter Hols!
Here are today's tasks...
Love Miss Townson 
Thursday 9th April 2020
LO: To write about the Stations of the Cross.
I have linked our English today to the Easter Story of Jesus being crucified on the cross.
Watch the video I have posted below about the 15 different Stations of the Cross. These are the different stages of Jesus carrying the cross up to where he died and the video explains each station.
Below, I have then attached a booklet that has the different pictures from the Stations of the Cross.
I would like you to choose a station, you can either print off the picture or draw one yourself and then write about what happened at that station. Try to include how Jesus or other people there might have felt. Use interesting vocabulary and write it in your best handwriting.
Children's Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross Booklet
Warm up with a quick blast on Times table rock stars.
Then, below there is a link to a PDF document with some Easter Maths questions. There are 4 sheets, the 1st sheet is the easiest and the last sheet is the hardest.
It is up to you which sheet you choose to do, maybe give yourself a challenge!
Work out the answers in your work books, showing your workings.
Thursday 9th April 2020
LO: To analyse program music
To finish our program music work, I thought this week you would like to watch the clip of another bird. This time the bird described by the music is an Eagle. It is a modern piece of music by a pop group called ABBA. Also, this time there are lyrics (song words) for you to listen to. The music, pictures and words should all fit together to describe the Eagle flying across high mountains where it lives. Your task this week is to listen carefully to the lyrics (song words).
In your work book, write today’s date and the LO. Then, copy in your workbook, very neatly, the CHORUS lyrics. They begin when the clip first shows a close up of the eagle. The first line of the chorus is, ‘And I dream I’m an eagle.’
Of course, you can sketch me an eagle if you want!
Good luck and I hope you and your family enjoy this music!
Mrs Jones