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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday June 12th

Happy Friday Year 1


I cannot believe we are already here again.


I had such a great time seeing your designs yesterday.

Some of them were just so great! Well done.

Today after PE I have some Maths questions for you to answer. They are more tricky than last week and you may need resources to count with.

Please use whatever you need to count with.


1-       3+ ? = 7


2-       ? +1 = 9


3-       What is 2 less than 8?


4-        16 + 1 = ?


5-        16 - 4 = ?


6-         14 - 7 = ?


7-         ? - 1 = 1


8-         8 - ? = 8


9-         13 = 5 + ?


10-        What is 3 more than 9?


Please think very carefully. Check your answers. Do it again if it is not right.


English is Education City and some Phonics to Finish the week off.

It is called Phonics Friday 12th June. Please read carefully and answer as well as you can.


Finally we are starting a new booklet. This one is called The Journey.

I would like you to look at the front cover and write your name, then got to pages 2&3.

You have to look at all the information and answer the questions. Talk abut this with your grown up please.

Look at all the transport.

Think about safety.


Thank you Year 1 again for this week. 


I am in school today so will respond to emails and the Blog when I am able.


Please have a lovely weekend and enjoy yourselves.

Love Mrs Clough

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