- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Task 1
Maths - Number sequences.
Watch the video - Numberblocks - Number sequences.
Which numbers did Big Tum eat?
Write your numbers 0 -15 on your whiteboards in the correct order. Make sure your numbers are the right way round.
Can you fill in the missing numbers?
Task 2
Phonics - Revising Phase 2 and 3 Tricky words.
Watch the video - Finding Phase 2 and 3 Tricky words.
Play Phonic bingo with 'or', 'ar' and 'oa' words. Choose 9 words:
stork, pork, born, storm, hard, ark, dark, car, goat, boat, road & float.
Draw a picture with an 'or' word.
Task 3
Literacy, PSED & C & L - Favourite Book.
C & L - Talking time - Choose your favourite book and tell your adult why it's your favourite? Who are the characters? Where is the story set? What happens in the story?
Literacy - Jack and the Beanstalk.
Watch the video - Jack and the beanstalk read by Mrs Collins.
Look at the pictures and write a sentence about each picture.
I have put a word mat on to help you with your sentences.
Remember to say the sentence, write it and read it.