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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 7th December

Hello Year 4 and welcome to your last 4 days of home learning, we will be back together on Friday! Last week you all have did so well  and made me very proud so please keep up with this amazing attitude and work hard this week!

Blog or email me if you have put up your Christmas tree, I would love to see them!

Keep going and try your best just like you would in school.

Remember you must blog me every day now! Click on the 2016 blog post to see all year 4 blogs and Mr Steele blog post to see mine. If you have trouble accessing and completing any work get an adult to email me so I can help. Parents/careers can email me on:  

Keep reading and logging into TT Rockstars daily also!

Have fun and keep active! Here are your tasks for today:



Shall we play detective? You will have 30 seconds to browse your home and search for objects that appear on the screen, touch them and return to your computer!


Lesson 1: English

LO: To understand a text

Read the passage on the PowerPoint below, there will be questions to answer about that text underneath. There are different questions for the same piece of text. Answer the questions in full sentences into your homework book. Enjoy!


Lesson 2: Maths

LO: Multiplication and Division

This is work we have done in class last week so you all should be able to have a go. In today's lesson, we will be learning how to represent multiplication equations pictorially. Then, we will explore how we can derive new facts from known multiplication facts. Click on the link below and follow the Oak Academy lesson. Do any written work into your Maths homework book. Enjoy!


Lesson 3: Art


Watch the videos below and have a go at drawing the gingerbread house and Santa! Also watch the easy crafts video to give some some ideas for your card or decoration around your home.

Make a card for someone at home or a friend using what you have learnt in this lesson, have fun with this and you can show me how you did when we are back in school! Why not draw the gingerbread house or Santa on your card from the videos. You could even make it 3D by adding a Christmas craft element! Enjoy!  

How To Draw A Gingerbread House

Learn how to draw a gingerbread house!

How To Draw Cartoon Santa Claus

Follow along with me and learn how to draw a cute chibi cartoon version of Santa Claus!

5 Easy Christmas & Festival Home Decoration ideas!

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