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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning everyone, Miss Dewhurst is still off school as she is not very well and I will continue to cover for her in her absence.  I am really looking forward to meeting with you all for your very first TEAMs session.  During the session I will talk you through the learning for the day and I will be setting you all a little challenge to see who has supersonic speed. 


I need you to be up bright and early and watch the video on school videos entitled

'How to login to your office 365 account'.  This will guide you through the process until you become an expert.  You will need to have your email address and password next to you.  These was sent by text to your parents yesterday.  If you did not receive this, please ring the office first thing in the morning.

Our session will begin at 10.25am

(It might be better to start logging in at about 10.15am and then wait for me to admit you.

I am so excited! 


Some parents had a problem with the email address I gave you yesterday - you may use my normal address or submit your work via the blog if you prefer.



1. Please click on the link below for today's Maths activity
2. Please click on the link below for today's English task
3. Music with Mrs Jones

Today's music lesson from Mrs Jones

Well-being Activity (4-5mins) 

Try this brain break exercise at any time today. Between activities may be good to give yourself a s-t-r-e-t-ch. Remember these stretches are meant to be done S-L-O-W-L-Y-!

This will also be good for parents who crunch over a laptop too! 

You could look on Jaime's Brain Break menu for more... 


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