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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 7th May

Good Morning Year 4! Today's main task is all about VE day! So have fun and if you can't do all the activities that is fine, there are loads, just have a go! There is also a Education City Activity for Maths so I can check you are all home learning! Enjoy!


Tomorrow Friday 8th May, people all over the UK and in other countries of the world will turn their thoughts and attention to the 75th anniversary of VE day. This is a very important and historical day, back in 1945, marked the end of World War II in Europe. I would like you all to take part in some VE day learning. I have put together a whole range of activities for you to try and have fun with! There is something for everyone so have a go and don’t forget to share your learning with me vie the blog or email! – I’d love to see what you’ve been doing!


VE Day Dance Tutorial - Why not try and learn this Victory dance today for PE!


Task 1: English and History

LO: To learn about VE Day!

Use and read through these PowerPoints and watch the video to help you learn more about what this day is all about!

Use all the information you have discovered about VE day and complete these writing activities, either copy into your exercise books or print off the sheets if you can


Task 2: Art and Design (print off or copy and draw the sheets onto paper)

Why not use these information and design sheets to plan your very own VE day street party (you can just pretend if you want)


Task 3: Maths

LO: Shape and Area

Nice and easy Maths today, log onto Education City, click on classwork and then click on Maths Task: Thursday 7th May complete all task and check your answers using the answers. 



Have a fantastic VE Day weekend! No work tomorrow but any VE Day celebrations you do have don’t forget to email pictures to Mrs Barker at: with the title VE Day Picnic and she will share them all on the school community page of our website so you can see our whole school family having fun and marking this important day in our country's history. 


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