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Good morning Year One
I hope that you are all well and keeping safe, Miss Armstrong and Mrs Glynn are missing all of your smiley faces. Hopefully we will all be back together soon. Well done to all of the children who have been working super hard with their home learning. I can tell lots of you have been working hard with your handwriting and especially in Math's with the Tens and Ones. Keep up the hard work. At the end of the week Miss Armstrong will be deciding who the Super Home Learner is, so make sure to check the newsletter as you might find your name there! Remember to work hard this week, be very good for your parents and I look forward to seeing all of your fantastic work.
Please find below your lessons for today.
Okay Year One let's star the week with a Gonoodle!
(any photos of any exercise being taken place, please can you email Miss Armstrong)
Here is a little game for you to have a go with, I would like you to access the link below, make sure to click on Year 1. Have fun
This week our focus in English is to develop our comprehension skills. I will be setting a variety of books that link with our topic of the Arctic. Each day after you have listened to the story there will be a few questions that you must answer. You can write your answers in your GREEN workbook. Please do not write the question unless you would like to you can number the questions and write an answer. Remember your answers must have Capital Letter and Full stops.
LO: To recognise numerals to 50 in objects and number formation
Today you are going to begin extending your number knowledge by identifying numbers to 50 confidently. Remember to keep practicing your numbers by counting and also singing. As we all know Year One love to sing songs. Click on the link below to listen to todays Math's song.
After listening to the song please watch the learn screen below.
Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions/pictures. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.
Get ready Year One, we are about to set off on our Polar adventure to the Arctic. So far, we have looked at the Climate of the Arctic and specific materials which are best for keeping things waterproof.
Today we are going to learn about the different types of diets animals have just so we are prepared in case we see any polar animals.
Animals all eat different things just like we do, we can put animals into groups these are Herbivore, Carnivore or Omnivore. These words are a little tricky watch the clip below and see if you can fill in the worksheet. Once you have done this I would like for you to create a Poster for each of the words to explain what they mean.
This could be the word Carnivore and drawings of animals around the word.
Please don't forget to send me your home learning this is very important. Year1_home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Have a lovely day and work hard.
Miss Armstrong