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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 16th October

Maths  Homework:


This week's Maths Homework is to fill out the times table grid I have attached below. You can copy it out into your Maths Homework book, or print it out. 

I also want you to go onto Times Table Rockstars and play on there at least twice this week. It is so important to continue to practise your times tables.

This week's spellings:





















English Homework:


I want you to think about everything that we have done this week for God's Wonderful World Week. Here are some reminders...


  • Understanding why trees are important

  • Writing stories in the Secret Garden and playing in the tents

  • Having hot chocolate and biscuits in the Secret Garden under the canopy

  • Building obstacle courses in the Secret Garden

  • Constructing Stone Age Settlements out of paper

  • Painting rocks 

  • Making fossils

  • Learning about Judaism from Jeremy

  • Leaf rubbings with wax crayons

  • Exploring Pope Francis' letter: Laudato Si and how we can care for our Common Home


Choose one of the activities that we did above and write a recount explaining what we did and what you enjoyed. You can also draw a picture. Please write lots of detail and use adjectives, interesting sentence starters and exciting vocabulary. 

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