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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 6th January 2021

Good morning Year 1, 


I hope you are all okay and your families are safe, heart


Today you will receive a message regarding your home learning packs, these packs include resources, workbooks and activities that are to be completed.

Please only complete work that has been set for that day. 


Below please find your lessons for today, there are 3 tasks to complete an English, Maths and Topic activity. 


Please complete and send evidence of your work to


A little wake up and shake up to get your brains and bodies moving. You may remember this from our PE lessons. Enjoy laugh

Move and Freeze

Today is the feast day of the Epiphany, where we celebrate the Three Kings.

Below is a short story explaining their journey.

The Three Wise Men


LO: To use descriptive language to describe the Artic. 


Please work your way through the PowerPoint below, if you see the Light Bulb make sure you answer the question in your homework book. 


LO: To identify 2D shapes.

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to go on a shape hunt around your home looking for certain shapes. Once you have found the shapes please complete the worksheet.

You may like to take photos of the items you find. 




Recognise and name 2-D shapes

Recognise and name 2-D shapes" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


LO: To being to learn about the climate in the Arctic.

We will continue to look at the Arctic in Science as well as in your English lessons. 

Please see the PowerPoint below, keep an eye our for the light bulbs and answer the questions.

Once you have done this there is a little science experiment for you to do, please ask your parents permission. Enjoy and have fun I look forward to hearing and seeing you become super scientists!



Remember your engagement with your home learning is very important. Keep up the hard work and I look forward to hearing from you all. 

Love Miss Armstrong smiley

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