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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 19th June

Good morning Year 2, happy Friday! Here we are again at the end of another hard working week!

I am so proud of all your achievements this week, the level of work I have been sent has been excellent!! I am so impressed with how you are trying your best with the Maths and presenting your work beautifully in written tasks. Thank you. 


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


Friday 19th June    19/06/2020


Maths- Please click on the link below to access the 2016 Arithmetic paper. Answer the questions in your red maths book.


If you want to print the paper, that is fine to do also.


English- To write a persuasive advert.

I would like you to write up your information from your ice cream plan yesterday, presenting it beautifully and in adding detail, like an advert that might be posted through your letter box or displayed up as a poster. You can do this on plain paper or in your green book.

You will need to think carefully about the layout of your information. Remember to make your advert colourful, with a picture of your ice cream. You may wish to do bubble writing for the name of your ice cream and put the price of your ice cream in a star shape.


Computing- Algorithms

Please log on to Education City and access the classwork 'Computing 19/06/2020'. Work your way through the activities. If it says you need Adobe flash player, click on the link, then 'allow once' at the top right and the activities will start.


Thank you for your hard work this week Year 2. Have a lovely weekend.heart

Love Miss Dewhurst x



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