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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 12th February

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all well. Happy Friday! Here we are, the last day of home schooling before half term! laugh


You have all worked so incredibly hard this half term and I am so proud of each and every one of you! I am very grateful to you for trying your best in these difficult circumstances and sending in amazing, creative and beautiful work. You have brought me lots of smiles with your wonderful pictures and videos. Have a good, well deserved rest this half term. Remember to keep on reading books from getepic and log into TTRS to earn yourself lots more coins! Enjoy, stay safe and I will see/speak to you all when we get back. heart


Please find time to log onto every day and read a book! I am monitoring your reading online and loving the variety of books you are choosing to read! I will be giving out reading awards for the children who are reading regularly!


Below are your lessons for today. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog.


Mental Arithmetic Tests

Please could you write and solve the sums for the Year 2 Spring 5 and Spring 6 mental arithmetic tests below in your red book. Please try your best and have a go at all the questions.

Remember you can log into TTRS at anytime to earn yourself some more coins and climb the leader board! laugh


L.O. Recapping what we have found out about the Great Fire of London.

Today, we are mixing our English and History topic together to write another style of poem for the Great Fire of London, only this time, it's an acrostic poem. We have written acrostic poems before in class. We spell a word going down the page and write words or sentences from each letter.

Please read through the slides below recapping our topic.


In your home learning pack, in your History worksheet wallet, please could you take out Activity Sheet A and the vocabulary sheet. I would like you to write an acrostic poem to describe the Great Fire, using the key words from the vocabulary sheet to help you. Try to include adjectives and verbs, or even some alliteration in your short sentences. For example:


Ginormous sparks flew throughout London.

Roaring flames engulfed the timber and thatched houses.

Every body was frightened and upset.









Once you have written your poem, you can colour in the letters. smiley



L.O. To make a 3D owl.

This half term, we have been making 3D art with different materials. You have made lots of amazing artwork for our Great Fire of London topic, so I thought it would be fun to make some 3D artwork for something else we have been learning about... owls! 


You will need coloured paper, scissors and glue!


Please watch the youtube link below which will show you how to make a funky 3D owl. Remember, you can choose your own colours and decorate it how you like! I want you to have fun!laugh

Have a great half term!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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